
The Dynair hardware line features money saving equipment that helps to reduce noise vibrations, distributes airflow in a structure at a consistent, comfortable level, and minimizes the number of project call backs.

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Tech Tip Volume 12 - Shelf Life and Batch Code Decoding
The PTP-1 Instrument Test Port consists of a ZAMAC (zinc) alloy body casting, which is installed over a sponge neoprene gasket and is red in color, making it easy to locate when conducting pressure/velocity tests.
Hypalon is the preferred material for outdoor applications such as connections to rooftop units where they may be subject to direct sunlight. The material is unaffected by ultraviolet rays and can be used near electrostatic air cleaners and U.V. ray filtration systems with complete confidence. Hypalon is more abrasion-resistant than Neoprene, has a slightly wider operating temperature range, excellent aging qualities and resists a wide range of chemicals.
Vinyl-Flex is a polyvinyl chloride coated polyester woven fabric with tremendous tear resistance.
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